6 Kris Kristofferson songs that changed Nashville and left a lasting impact
The legendary musician and actor passed away on Sept. 28 and left us with some incredible music.
The legendary musician and actor passed away on Sept. 28 and left us with some incredible music.
Congrats to all this year’s 53:14 Music Video Experiment participants.
Friday is the premiere of this year’s 53:14 music videos at the Lyric Cinema.
The star-studded segment was produced by Questlove and included dozens of artists. See the full setlist.
In new PBS series Fight the Power: How Hip Hop Changed the World, host Chuck D of Public Enemy explores hip-hop’s political awakening over the last 50 years.
The band performs intimate versions of three of their songs.
See photos and videos from the evening featuring finalists Hospital Socks, HYGEIA, and Fiona Sofia.
All 10 videos produced for this year’s 53:14 Music Video Experiment premiere in Fort Collins on Sept. 2.
The 10 Colorado music artists participating in this year’s 53:14 Music Video Experiment have been selected!
The beat is catchy, the production’s scratchy, and her voice cuts through it all with unbridled confidence.
The song deals with personal trauma Mumford experienced as a child, so keep this in mind when deciding where and when to listen to it.
In celebration of their tenth album Lucifer on the Sofa, Spoon shared a pair of live videos with us featuring songs from the the album.