Your Membership Makes All the Difference
We want to send a huge thank you to our amazing members. As we wrap up this drive, we are incredibly grateful and humble for the people who have shown their support for what we do. We know you have a lot of choices for music, and we are thrilled you’re with us. Whether you’ve gone to a show courtesy of us or hit up a Music Meeting, the fact you’ve chosen to support The Colorado Sound, Colorado music, and our expansive community means the world.
But during this drive, we did fall a little short of our goal.
We’re still committed to bringing you the best, freshest and most eclectic set of music out there. It’s a community effort to keep it going, and that means it’s dependent on people like you becoming members and supporting The Colorado Sound with a monthly gift.
If you’ve put it off, forgotten, or just needed a reminder: Please take a few minutes to become a member. If you become a sustaining member at $12/month or with a one-time-gift of $150 before Monday, we’ll throw in a Colorado Sound pint glass as thanks.