Snail Mail Is This Week’s Music Discovery Pick

Snail Mail Music Discovery
Snail Mail is at Larimer Lounge Wedneday, June 20.
Batlimore’s Snail Mail Turns It Up

Snail Mail’s new album Lush is a throwback to great indie rock guitar albums of the past, with debts to Pavement, Liz Phair, and a little bit of Fiona Apple.

Snail Mail is the project of Lindsay Jordan, a wunderkind on the indie circuit, who is being hoisted as one of the future voices of the genre. Jordan is only 19 years old – Lush is her first full-length, just out on Matador. 

Recently graduated from high school, the Baltimore-area musician can be a devastatingly powerful songwriter, delivering explosive guitar lines like on “Heat Wave”. 

She’ll be playing Larimer Lounge on June 20.