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Museums and Parks Free for Colorado Day

william henry jackson photo photograph pikes peak austin bluffs colorado vintage
View of foothills and snow on Pikes Peak Austin Bluffs in El Paso County, Colorado. Credit: Jackson, William Henry, 1843-1942/Beinecke Library.

Sunday, Aug. 1 is Colorado Day, the 145th anniversary of the date Colorado was founded as a state. 

To celebrate Colorado Day, the Colorado Sound is featuring an All Colorado Music Weekend, starting tonight (Friday) and running all day Saturday and Sunday. We’re spinning Colorado artists exclusively, including those you voted as our Top 20 Colorado Musicians of 2021. Listen live at 105.5, on the web, or tell your smart speaker to “play the Colorado Sound.”

There are plenty more activities around the state to celebrate Colorado Day, including free admission to all 42 Colorado state parks, as well as free admission to these museums:

Read more about these and other Colorado Day activities on the History Colorado website.

And if you aren’t familiar, our sister station KUNC produces the excellent Colorado Edition. Another great way to learn about out state’s past and present, their latest show features a look back at some of the people who helped shape the state. This edition looks at the history of Black cowboys in the American West and how they helped shape what our state would become. They also travel back to a time before Colorado was a state to hear the story of a man who successfully lobbied to delay statehood until African Americans received the right to vote. And they revisit a conversation with the artist behind the trail maps found at ski resorts across the state. Listen to the full episode on KUNC.org.


We’ll leave you with a song about Colorado, by a Colorado band:

Tune in starting tonight for our All Colorado Music Weekend. Happy Colorado Day everyone!