Colorado Songs
A Playlist Of “Colorado” Songs
This started out as a simple Facebook post, and has since grown into a collaborative playlist with The Colorado Sound’s Facebook audience.
A few key insights about this little project. First of all, we have an awesomely smart and engagingly insightful listening audience. If you were to ask any of us at The Colorado Sound to come up with songs that reference Colorado, we’d be hard pressed to come up with a list this exhaustive and essential.
Related: The Top 1055 Colorado Sound Songs of All Time
Secondly, Colorado music generally rocks, twangs, and jams. If you judge a place by its music, Colorado is a full of country livin’, some genuine heart break, down and out luck. We know that Colorado is on the upswing, at least lyrically, and so if you have some music references on that, please pass them our way.
To one and all, what a place to live and come back to, no matter what. We know where Colorado stands today in the scheme of things – it’s a hotbed of action, a population boom-state which is perhaps the place to be in the entire country.
Listening to this playlist, though, it’s hard not to look back with fondness to a Colorado cowboy town or backwater on the way to some place grander.
It’s always calling us back.
In the words of Townes Van Zandt:
I’m goin’ out to Denver
See if I can’t find….
We know how the rest of that goes, of course. Coloradoans are seemingly always looking to find something. For Townes, it was a lovin’ Colorado girl. For others it’s been a gold rush. Or a new start. Or today, an affordable place to live. That’s good song material, for sure.
Whatever it may be, Colorado is a place that keeps us here, no matter what. You can hear it in these songs.